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2024 BOM Finishing Instructions

Finishing Instructions

Now that your quilt center is complete, it is time to decide if you would like to include sashing and borders. We have found this is a personal preference and we want you to make the sampler your own by doing what feels right for you. We always laugh that we have opposite opinions on these types of topics. Christina is more modern and prefers no borders (sometimes no sashing) and Lisa is more traditional and feels all quilts need borders. But somehow we come together on each project and determine the end product.

The finishing instructions are simple. We have vertical and horizontal sashing strips, if you want them. Then, a simple border, mainly to increase the size a bit, but we think it really finishes this sampler. You will find the cutting instructions in the Before You Begin link in the monthly email.

December Block 12 samples

Our friends continue to make great blocks each month and we love showing them off to you. Thank you to @mountainviewquilts, and @cmariequilts!

Tausha from @frecklesontheside finished hers and we love how it turned out! Great job!

What did you think?

So, what did you think of the 2024 BOM Sampler? Since this was our first time, we would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions (good or bad!). We love feedback so we can learn and improve what we do. If we were to do this again, what would you like to see differently? Having someone outside the details can have fabulous ideas.

Did you take advantage of getting the digital files for each block to use in your own pattern writing? If you haven't, you can still get them in our store for a minimal fee for each block. We are also putting the entire quilt pattern in the store after the first of the year in case you weren't able to participate each month.

Join Us

We hope you hope you enjoyed making all twelve blocks. Seeing how everyone puts their spin on a BOM quilt was so fun. And, we would love you to share your blocks with the tags: @quiltpatternwriters, #qpw2024bom, #qpw2024samplerquilt, and #qpw.

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